Technology Availability List


On this page, you will find a list of the services available through Instruct-ERIC. The list indicates whether each service is available remotely or in person and more detailed information can be found on the individual technology pages linked below. Please contact the facilities directly for the most up to date information.






Sample Preparation

Service/Technology Remote Physical
Automated Molecular Biology (RoBioMol), Grenoble, France No No
Biomolecular Complex Purification (Biocomplex), Helsinki, Finland Yes Yes*
ESPRIT: Library-Based Screening for Soluble Expression, Grenoble, France Yes No
Macromolecular Crystallisation, Amsterdam, Netherlands Yes No
Macromolecular Crystallisation, Brno, Czech Republic Yes Yes
Macromolecular Crystallisation, Grenoble, EMBL Yes Yes
Macromolecular Crystallisation, Oulu, Finland Yes Yes*
Macromolecular Crystallisation, Strasbourg, France Yes Yes
Macromolecular Crystallisation, Vestec near Prague, Czech Republic Yes Yes
Macromolecular Crystallisation, Weizmann Institute, Israel No Yes
Membrane Protein Crystallisation, Grenoble, France No Yes
Membrane Protein Crystallisation, MPL, Harwell, UK Yes Yes**
Membrane Protein Production, MPL, Harwell, UK Yes Yes**
Nanobody Discovery, Brussels, Belgium Yes No
Protein and RNA Production in vitro, Grenoble, France No Yes
Protein Production in E. coli with Isotope Labelling for NMR, CERM/CIRMMP, Florence, Italy No Yes
Protein Production in E. coli with Isotope Labelling for NMR, Grenoble, France No Yes
Protein Production in Insect and Mammalian Cells, Amsterdam, Netherlands Yes No
Protein Production in Mammalian Cells for in-cell NMR, Florence, Italy No Yes
Protein production with Isotope Labelling for NMR, Helsinki, Finland Yes Yes
Protein Production, Strasbourg, France Yes Yes
Protein Production, Weizmann Institute, Israel No Yes
Robotein Automated Biomolecular Analysis, Belgium No Yes
Robotein Automated Protein Production, Belgium No Yes



3D Structural Analysis

Service/Technology Remote Physical
Bio-SAXS, Strasbourg, France Yes Yes
Electron Microscopy Image Processing, I2PC, Madrid, Spain Yes No
Electron Microscopy, Brno, Czech Republic Yes Yes
Electron Microscopy, Diamond Light Source, Harwell, UK Yes No
Electron Microscopy, Grenoble, France Yes Yes
Electron Microscopy, Heidelberg, EMBL Yes No
Electron Microscopy, Helsinki, Finland Yes Yes*
Electron Microscopy, NeCEN, Leiden, The Netherlands Yes Yes
Electron Microscopy, Oxford, UK Yes No
Electron Microscopy, Strasbourg, France Yes Yes
Electron Microscopy, University of Leeds, UK Yes No
Electron Microscopy, Weizmann Institute, Israel No Yes
EPR, CERM/CIRMMP, Florence, Italy Yes Yes
From Sample to Bio-SAXS, Hamburg, EMBL Yes No
From Sample to X-ray Diffraction, Hamburg, EMBL Yes No
Liquid NMR, Strasbourg, France Yes Yes
NMR, Helsinki, Finland Yes Yes
Relaxometry, CERM/CIRMMP, Florence, Italy Yes Yes
Solid State NMR, CERM/CIRMMP, Florence, Italy Yes Yes
Solid State NMR, Grenoble, France Yes Yes
Solid State NMR, Utrecht, Netherlands Yes Yes
Solution NMR, Brno, Czech Republic Yes Yes
Solution NMR, CERM/CIRMMP, Florence, Italy Yes Yes
Solution NMR, Grenoble, France Yes Yes
Solution NMR, Strasbourg, France Yes Yes
Solution NMR, University of Leeds, UK Yes No
Solution NMR, Utrecht, Netherlands Yes Yes
X-ray Diffraction and Bio-SAXS, Brno, Czech Republic Yes Yes
X-ray Diffraction and Bio-SAXS, Diamond Light Source, Harwell, UK Yes No
X-ray Diffraction and Bio-SAXS, Hamburg, EMBL Yes No
X-ray Diffraction and Bio-SAXS, Vestec near Prague, Czech Republic Yes Yes
X-ray Diffraction, Grenoble, EMBL Yes Yes
X-ray Diffraction, Oulu, Finland Yes Yes*
XChem Fragment Screening, Diamond Light Source, Harwell, UK Yes No



*Physical access only available to national scientists due to COVID-19 restrictions. Please contact for more information.

**Physical access only available for COVID-19 related projects. Please contact for more information.