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EOSC-Life Training Open Call

The EOSC-Life Training team offers funding to support training activities and provides expertise and guidance to help you organise successful and impactful training through our Training Open Call.

This call is for training on topics relevant for EOSC-Life*. Proposals can be submitted for funding to support the following activities (not mutually exclusive).

  • Development of new courses or other training activities
    This would typically provide funding for personnel developing new training activities or adapting existing training to the needs of EOSC-Life; this could include face-to-face courses, e-learning courses or stand-alone content such as video/podcast.
  • Delivery of courses or other training activities
    This would typically provide funding for venue related costs such as catering and room rent or some support for the travel of trainers
  • Capacity building
    This would typically provide funding for any activity that supports the reach of existing courses, shares best practice and knowledge exchange, coordinates activities with other EOSC-related projects. This could include training new trainers or staff visits between Research Infrastructures. This could provide funding for venue related costs such as catering and room rent or some support for the travel.

With this Training open call EOSC-Life offers support without any restriction with respect to the training modality. Training courses can be face-to-face, online or blended courses. Courses may be organised in collaboration with non-EOSC Life partners given that the rationale and added value can be demonstrated.

EOSC-Life aims to address topics relevant across Research Infrastructures and foster close collaboration and exchange among Research Infrastructures. Therefore, proposals should have at least two Research Infrastructures as partners in the application.




* For ideas of EOSC-Life relevant training, please refer to D9.1 “Final report of analysis of the training needs of different EOSC-Life users”. Suggestions not explicitly covered in D9.1 may also be eligible please contact WP9 leads to discuss before completing your proposal.

Call Submission Guidelines

Proposals should have at least two Research Infrastructures as partners in the application. Contributions do not have to be equal, e.g. one RI could provide expertise and the other RI the use case and event organisation. RI applicants do not need to be part of EOSC-Life, but strong rationale why they provide additional value/expertise must be given.

There is no restriction with respect to venue location as long as budget and travel time are within acceptable limits. For self-led online training, courses should be made freely accessible for the duration of the project where the format allows (e.g. webinar recordings).

In addition to the funding provided, the training WP will provide guidance to the selected projects

  • Event organisation
  • Provide contacts to (additional) experts, Research Infrastructures
  • Support during the course development
  • Support to ensure GDPR and reporting requirements are met

The quality of training and fit to the training needs of the EOSC-Life community are the main selection criteria, additional criteria include credibility of the timeline, maturity of the proposal, appropriateness of staffing, and involvement of more than two Research Infrastructures (including institutions from EU13)

Please submit your proposal online via ARIA according to these guidelines and the ">templates provided. Applicants must register with ARIA in order to collaborate on and submit proposals for this call. NB: Applicants do not necessarily have to also be course organisers or trainers, though only those listed as applicants will be able to view, edit and track the call application in the ARIA system. You will be prompted to login or register before you start your application.

Deadline for proposal submission is Friday 13th November (midnight BST/GMT+1). Only complete proposals will be considered. See here for a proposal template

  1. Expression of interest stage: Applicants should email the WP9 leaders eosc-life-wp9lead@elixir-europe.org with a draft proposal to discuss and request feedback, including possible synergies with other expected proposals.
  2. Submission of application using ARIA before the formal deadline

By submitting an application to this call you agree to the terms of the EOSC-Life Training Open Call Privacy Policy and the EOSC-Life Training Open Call Terms of Submission

Begin new application

Call Closes:
19-Nov-2020 0:59 CET

Click the button to begin your application for this call. Your draft applications will also appear here as well as on your dashboard and can be continued at any point.

To submit a proposal you must login.
