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The Bijvoet Centre of Biomolecular Research receives funding for “ManiFold”


The Bijvoet Centre of Biomolecular Research of Utrecht University received €2.6 Mio for its Marie Curie Innovative Doctoral Programme (IDP) Manipulation of protein folding and assembly processes – from molecule to disease (“ManiFold”). IDPs are mono-site Initial Training Networks (ITN) which are selected for offering the best training programmes in Europe. The Bijvoet Centre constitutes a hub for structural biology, providing an integrated infrastructure of cutting edge technology, including its EU NMR facility, the Netherlands Proteomics Centre and protein crystallography. ManiFold has 11 associated partners (4 companies and 7 international academic institutions in Europe, America and Asia). Essential for the IDP is the strong interdisciplinary collaboration within the Centre, jointly focusing on protein assembly and disassembly processes. The Bijvoet Centre is the only School in Europe in the Life Sciences that qualified for funding as IDP.

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