Instruct brief – July 2016
Dec-July ongoing | Ondrej Hradil (Instruct-CZ), Dave Stuart (Director), Lucia Banci (Instruct-IT), Jose Maria Carazo (Instruct-ES), Gunter Schneider (Instruct-SE) and Susan Daenke (Hub Coordinator) continued their work within the Instruct Business group. Next meeting will take place in Brussels 8th of September. |
20-22 April 2nd May | Susan Daenke participated in the CORBEL retreat in Chicheley Hall, Buckinghamshire “Ensure continued alignment of CORBEL with BMS RI strategic drivers” (Instruct and Infrafrontier co-leads CORBEL WP5). Narayanan Krishnan joined the Instruct Hub as CORBEL Developer to work on a joint solution for access spanning the BMS Research Infrastructures on the ESFRI Roadmap and the Landmark Projects. |
3rd May | Oxford Particle Imaging Centre utilise facility management services from ARIA by Instruct to manage usage of high-end cryo-EM instruments. |
11th – 13th May | Lorraine Gough (Finance Officer) participated of the EMTRAIN general assembly |
16th of May | Astbury Biostructure Laboratory, University of Leeds rolled out facility management powered by ARIA to support access to their high-end EM and NMR machines as well as local facility management and booking. |
18th of May | Susan Daenke participated of iNEXT Management Committee |
24th of May | Claudia Alén Amaro (Instruct Project Manager) and Narayanan Krishnan chaired the video conference of West-Life Workpackage 2. West-Life is an initiative to develop a Virtual Research Environment (VRE) in the e-Infrastructure programme (EINFRA-9-2015), of which Instruct is a beneficiary partner. |
31at of May | Susan Daenke and Callum Smith (Instruct Developer) participated of AARC2/CORBEL meeting in Paris to plan a joint workshop in preparation for AARC2, of which Instruct and CORBEL are both beneficiary partner applicants. |
31at of May | Narayanan Krishnan and Susan Daenke participated of CORBEL Workpackage 4 teleconference. |
31at of May | Narayanan Krishnan and Susan Daenke participated of CORBEL Workpackage 5-7-8-9 teleconference. |
9th of June | Narayanan Krishnan and Claudia Alén Amaro participated of West-Life Operational Committee videoconference. |
14th June | The Instruct training committee lead by Lucia Banci opened the call for the training courses to be organised in 2017. Instruct offers a range of workshops delivered at Instruct Centres by internationally recognised experts. The committee also approved the opening of the call for the 2016 Internship programme. |
15th of June | Meeting at the Instruct Hub of the Instruct Academic Services Ltd Board of Directors with Susan Daenke and Claudia Alén Amaro supporting. |
21at of June | Narayanan Krishnan and Susan Daenke participated of CORBEL Executive Committee. |
28th of June | Claudia Alén Amaro participated at a stakeholders meeting organised by the European Commission to discuss Horizon 2020 calls management so far. |
4at of July | A new call for proposals for Instruct pilot R&D projects was open with the approval of the Instruct Executive Committee. For more information and to apply please click here. |
5at of July | Claudia Alén Amaro presented a poster on Instruct Research Infrastructure access management at the Oxford Research Support and Innovation Conference |
8th of July | Naranayan Krishnan and Callum Smith participated on a West-Life authentication and authorisation infrastructure (AAI) discussion to present learning from ARIA AAI and discuss options to ensure user-communities are engaged to the virtual research environment (VRE). |
11th of July | Susan Daenke participated at the Portugal Affiliate Centre Meeting (PCISBIO) in Lisbon. Success stories from Instruct users were presented. One of them is summarised here |
13th of July 14th of July | The UK Host Ministry delegate MRC hosted a meeting of the Ministry representatives of all Instruct Member countries to work towards the preparation of the step 2 application for ERIC status. Harry Tuinder for the European Commission joined by teleconference to express the positive feedback on the Step 1 application submitted in January. AARC2 grant proposal progressed to the Grant agreement stage on the European Commission participant portal. |
21st of July | Instruct, Euro-BioImaging and CORBEL met to discuss the implementation of ARIA to host the an Open call for pilot multi-RI applications and the opportunity for EuBI application management to be hosted by ARIA through collaborative ongoing development. |
Upcoming events:
8th September | Instruct Business Working Group |
9th of September | Instruct Executive Committee |
10-13th September | Instruct and iNEXT will have a stand at the EMBO meeting (Tassos Perrakis and Claudia Alén Amaro ) |
21st September | Instruct Council videoconference |
28th-30th September | Digital infrastructure for Research Conference (Callum Smith and Narayanan Krishnan) |
3rd to 5th October | ICRI 2016 – South Africa (Instruct Director, Prof David Stuart and Instruct Coordinator, Susan Daenke) |
More about these and other news at or everyday on Twitter @Instructhub
Past ( newsletters are available on our website